Article Writing Guide

Ethical, legal, and technical considerations for submission

  1. The articles must be associated with history, culture, literature, art and architecture of Kashan region (Kashan county, Natanz county, and Aran Va Bidgol county).
  2. The submitted articles must be documented and meet the research criteria.
  3. The articles must discuss an innovative topic.
  4. The submitted paper must not already be published and must not be sent to another journal until the final decision for its publishing.
  5. The responsibility of the articles rests with the authors. The supervisor is responsible for the articles extracted from students’ dissertation or thesis and they will be published with the phrase “adapted from dissertation/ thesis”.
  6. Considering the reviewer’s opinion, the journal itself can reject, accept or edit the article.
  7. The right for publishing after submission is reserved for the journal. The articles must not be copied or published without the written consent of the copy right holder.

Writing style and structure

  1. The article must be written in correct and coherent structure.
  2. The articles must be written in Persian.
  3. English and Persian abstracts and keywords are required for the articles.
  4. The information of all the authors including their address, phone number, and their academic degree is required. The corresponding author must be announced.
  5. For the English abstract writing title, authors’ names, and their e-mail address in English is essential.
  6. The last name of the author(s), the year of publication, issue number and the number of the pages must be mentioned in parenthesis for the in-text citation. The bibliography must be written in APA style.
  • The in-text citation must be: (family name of the author, year of publication, number of page).
  • The sources in the reference list must be written like:
  • Books: author’s last name, author’s name, year of publication, title of book, editor or translator’s name, place of publication: name of publisher.
  • Articles: author’s last name, author’s name, year of publication, title of article, name of the journal, volume (issues): number of the first page-number of the last page.
  • Web article: author’s last name, author’s name, year, title, journal’s title, volume, issue, URL (access date).
  1. Latin transliteration for proper names must be written in parenthesis.
  2. Other notes and explanations must be written as post scripts after the conclusion section with successive numbers.
  3. Names of the books written inside the article must be written in italic style (not bold) without any quotation.
  4. Use B Lotus font for the body text and b Yagut for the title. The font size for the text must be 14 and the font size for the abstract, postscript, and reference list must be 12.
  5. Tables and figures must have a title. The title for figures is placed under them and the title for the tables is above them.

Publication Fee: There are no submission and publication fee for all authors.