One of the major philosophical arguments in the knowledge of God followed by the knowledge of the self. This has been reflected both in the Holy Quran and in the works of great scholars and philosophers. The Sufis use self to refer to the lower carnal self that is the source of evils and hence blameworthy. Bābā Afzal Maraghi Kāshāni, however. Sees the self as divine light that brightens every thing. To him, the functions of the soul, power, and nature are the offshoots of the self. Affected by Islamic views and Aristotle in his works. To express his scholarly views, he has also drawn upon the views of great thinkers like Khosrow Ghobādiāni. He has, of course, repeatedly mentioned the hazaods of the carnal self and shown treatments for them. This paper expolores the self, its different versions and kinds, and its relationships with the body and with reason.