The Intermediator Role of Culture in the Durability of Historical Context Case Study: Historical Urban Fabric of Aran o Bidgol

Document Type : Scientific-Promotional


University of kashan


The transition from the world of tradition to modernity has different meanings and interpretations but it seems that the common ground between all culturally and historically rich countries is that following modernity does not negate traditions. Studying architectural status in a country like Iran and the analysis of the link between past and present architecture shows that we have not payed enough attention to the historical architecture. At best we have only noticed the façade. Because of the deep connection between culture and architecture, especially in culturally and historically rich cities, it is possible to produce rich and permanent works of architecture. Because of the Aran o Bidgol’s rich history in culture and architecture, this city is among those which have been through some changes in the midst of modernity and the struggle between staying faithful to tradition or to move toward modernization. In this study we call these changes “Intermediate architecture”. What is cultural intermediation? And how can the true definition of this term help conserve the cultural and historical life of this historical city? These are the study’s main research questions. The results show that the economy and architecture are two key components in the cultural architectural life of this city. The interaction between these key components has a defining role in preserving the historical urban fabric of Aran o Bidgol.
