پیشنهاد مدلی برای انتخاب رنگ فضای خواب در معماری مسکونی معاصر، مبتنی بر مبانی حکمت طبیعیات (مصداق: خانه‌های تاریخی شهر کاشان)

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استادیار گروه معماری، دانشگاه کاشان، کاشان، ایران، (نویسنده مسئول)

2 دانش‌آموخته کارشناسی ارشد گروه معماری، مؤسسۀ آموزش عالی علامه فیض کاشانی، کاشان، ایران


انتخاب رنگ به‌عنوان یک عنصر کالبدی مهم در فضای اجرایی معماری مسکونی امروز ایران از مدل‌های پژوهش‌شدۀ علمی پیروی نمی‌کند. در این راستا سلایق دست‌اندرکاران ساختمان‌سازی مانند کارفرمایان، سرمایه‌گذاران، سازندگان، سوداگران، معماران و عرف و هنجارهای جامعه بیشترین نقش را ایفا می‌کنند. موضوع رنگ در معماری از منظرهای مختلف قابل پژوهش است که در این نوشتار از منظر توجه به مبانی نظری حکمت طبیعیات مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. حکمت طبیعیات یکی از سه شاخۀ اصلی حکمت است که به امور طبیعیه یا پدیده‌هایی که شامل ماده و زمان می‌شوند می‌پردازد. مبانی و احکام حکمت طبیعیات در طب سنتی ایران، به‌ویژه در آثار به‌جامانده از ابن‌سینا، به موضوعاتی مانند ویژگی‌های محیط و کالبد آن می‌پردازد و از این منظر می‌تواند به‌عنوان مبانی نظری کاربردی در ویژگی‌های عناصر کالبدی محیط مانند رنگ مورد استفاده و استناد قرار گیرد. ارتباط معماری و حکمت طبیعیات در حدود یک دهۀ اخیر مورد توجه پژوهشگران معماری و شهرسازی قرار گرفته است. هدف این نوشتار پیشنهاد مدلی کاربردی برای انتخاب رنگ در فضاهای خانۀ امروز ایران است؛ چراکه از منظر طب سنتی در حکمت طبیعیات تاکنون پژوهشی صورت نگرفته است. پرسش اصلی این است که براساس مبانی نظری حکمت طبیعیات رنگ فضاهای مسکونی مبتنی بر چه شاخصه‌هایی انتخاب می‌شده است؟ روش پژوهش کیفی و در حوزۀ مبانی، مبتنی برتحلیل محتوای متون مرتبط با حکمت طبیعیات در طب سنتی و استخراج شاخصه‌های انتخاب رنگ در فضاهای معماری مسکونی به‌صورت عام و در فضای خواب به‌صورت خاص پرداخته و جهت رسایی مبانی نظری، این شاخصه‌ها را در تعدادی از خانه‌های تاریخی شهر کاشان به‌عنوان مصداق جست‌وجو می‌نماید. یافته‌ها نشان می‌دهد که رنگ به‌عنوان یک عنصر مهم کالبدی دارای مزاج بوده و می‌تواند با ایجاد تعادل نسبی بین مزاج مکان طبیعی یا طبیعت و مزاج فعالیتی که در عملکردهای فضایی مانند فضای خوابیدن رخ می‌دهد، موجب تعادل مزاج مکان مصنوع یا معماری شود و با این شاخصه می‌توان رنگ فضا‌های خانه را انتخاب نمود. یافته‌های نظری پژوهش در چند مصداق از خانه‌های تاریخی شهر کاشان نیز مشاهده شد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Proposing a Model for Color Choice in Sleeping Space in Contemporary Residential Architecture Based on the Principles of HekmateTabieiat (Historical Houses in Kashan: A Case Study)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mohammadreza Hatamian 1
  • Fahimeh Golbaghe Mahiari 2
1 Corresponding Author Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture & Art, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran
2 MS in Architecture, Fayz Institute of Technology, Kashan, Iran
چکیده [English]

The choice of color as an important physical element in the executive space of residential architecture in Iran does not follow scientifically researched models. The issue of color in architecture can be researched from different perspectives; However, this article focuses onHekmateTabieiatand its theoretical foundations. The principles and teachings of HekmateTabieiat in traditional Iranian medicine, especially those in the works of Avicenna, deal with issues such as the characteristics of the environment and its body.From this perspective, it can be used as a practical theoretical basis for the characteristics of the physical elements of the environment such as the selction of colors. The purpose of this article is to propose a practical model for color selection in in the present-day home spaces in Iran, because little research has been done based on HekmateTabieiat. The main question in this research is:what characteristics have been considered in the selection of colors in traditional residential spaces based on the theoretical foundations of HekmateTabieiat? 
Materials and Methods
The study employed a basic qualitative research design following content analysis of texts related to HekmateTabieiat in traditional medicine. It sought color selection indicators in residential architectural spaces in general and their sleeping space in particular.In order to provide theoretical foundations, it looked for these color characteristics in a number of historical houses of Kashan as examples. First, a content analysis was performed on the theme of sleeping to determine the temperament of this activity as reflected in the relevant texts. Then, temperament interactions between the temperament of this activity, the temperament of the natural place, and the temperament of the color were explored. The findings of the study revealed how the temperament of color interacts with others in creating a relative balance between the temperament of the activities and the temperament of the place. It should be mentioned that because the natural process of creation and property of the living space is a direct function of the activities of that space, by studying and balancing the activities, a balanced living space can be created. Besides, it is possible through manipulating the characteristics of the elements that make up the space, one of which is the color of space.
Results and Findings
The results of conceptual analysis of the effect of color temperament on creating a balance between the act of sleeping and its space with the temperament of a natural place are summarized and presented in the table below.
Table 1. Balancing Temperament of Sleeping with the Temperament of Four Major PlaceTypes in Iran through Color Temperament

Act of space

Activity Temperament Balance in Temperament of the Moderate Place

In the  Temperament  of a hot and humid place

In the  Temperament  of a hot and dry place

In the  Temperament  of a cool and humid place

In the  Temperament  of a cool and dry place






















Action against

Action against










Creating a balance of  Temperament  with color  Temperament

Use of colors with cold Temperament

Use of colors with moderate Temperament

Use of colors with cold Temperament

Use of colors with humid Temperament

Use of colors with hot Temperament

Use of colors with moderate Temperament

Use of colors with hot Temperament

Use of colors with humid Temperament

Like white, light brown, cream

Like orange, brown, gray, mustard

Like white, light brown, cream

Like pink, purple, pinkish purple, magenta, date, indigo

Like navy blue, garlic straw, garlic brown, garlic orange

Like orange, brown, gray, mustard

Like navy blue, garlic straw, garlic brown, garlic orange

Like pink, purple, pinkish purple, magenta, date, indigo

Color with mixed Temperament

Color with mixed Temperament

Like light indigo
bright magenta
Bright purple
bright flower

Like liver

Based on the findings of the present study, it can be seen that color has temperament and through the temperament of color, relative balance can be established between the temperament of residential functions and the temperament of their natural place. This balance will lead to relative health or balance of all phenomena, including human body and architecture based on temperaments in traditional medicine. It should be mentioned that since little research has so far been carried out from this prespective, and since the point of view is novel, the topic was explored only considering the act of sleep and the three-door rooms of the historical houses in Kashan. Otherfactors related to the balance between the temperaments of natural place and that of color were not considered to allow a simpler and more comprehensible analysis in this research. It is very clear that parameters such as equipment and furniture,proportions and geometry of functions, materials used for different functions, spatial organization and proximity, climatic placement of functions, and several other factors in the structure of architectural spaces and environmental characteristics of temperament such as the temperament of seasons, the temperament of time, and the temperament of the people are the relevant intervening factors mentioned in traditional medicine as creators of balance. These factors require further specialized research. The findings of the current analysis are evidenced by examples in the hot and dry city of Kashan, where a meaningful relationship was observed between color selections in spaces in the architecture of the three-door space of the historical houses. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the temperament of the place and the selection of color of the spaces in the traditional architecture of Iran. Architects and designers can decide to choose the color of residential architectural spaces by recognizing the temperament of their project location knowing the temperament of colors. Color selection is to be based on the causal paradigm in temperament theory, attepting to bring the spaces to a ‘relative alance’. This was described in the current study by the concepts of act and anti-act, used in traditional medicine.
Considering the requirements of each residential function, architects and designers balance the space through the physical element of color. The results of this research can be summarized as follows: first, to create quality residential functions, it is necessary to pay attention to the spatial characteristics of those functions, and in this research, these characteristics were considered from the perspective of temperament theory, notably the temperament of the natural place. Second, the mechanism of interaction between the temperament of the place and the functions is the method of bringing the functions to relative moderation, mentioned in the theory of temperament through the action of the opposite temperament. In other words, with the theory of temperament, through the temperament of spatial elements such as color, the relationship between the temperament of the activities of each residential function and the temperament of the location of those spaces can be brought to balance and harmony; hence, the health of that space, which can be a model for color selection in residential architectural functions beyond taste,customs, norms, mercantilism, fashion, and so on at the disposal of architects and designers who define architecture in a more humane and wiser way.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • HekmateTabieiat
  • color temperament
  • sleeping space
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